Karlos vom Klepelshagener Forst

Karlos vom Klepelshagener Forst

Karlos is an expressive, loving male with an impeccable medal buckle. With very good substance, 67cm and weighs 75lbs.

A top quality is Karlos' serenity and calm disposition in everyday life, In the home he is docile and always there when you need him. He is extremely reliable in everyday use and needs.

The male is thorn-resistant, goes into the water in any weather and reliably chokes all predatory game.

In the field he works with a high nose, always in contact with the guide and shows impressive pointing pictures. His water work is characterized by the will to find and leaves nothing to be desired.

Karlos has very good and thick coat and a strong scissor bite. His puppies have produced promising futures.

  • Accomplishments

    ZB-Nr. 0244/16, Schwschl.m.schw.K.u.Pln., gew. am 02.12.2015
    D1, VJP 70, HZP 185, AZP1, VSP 56B, VGP 1/336, CACIT res., LN, HN, HD A2, OCD frei
    Formwert: V1 CAC

  • Owner

    Eigentümer: John Heiner, American Fork, Utah USA
    Phone: +1.801.857.7914 Email: heinerjd@yahoo.com
    website: https://www.vonwasungen.com

  • Parent's Accomplishments

    Vater: 0611/13 Gerry KS vom Donauland, S1 BTR D1 VJP72 S1 HZP188 LN VBR FS1 SW1 IKP1 HDA2 V HN VGP1
    Mutter: 0992/13 Gundi KS vom Klepelshagener Forst, D1 HZP180 IKP1 AZP1 SJ CACIT VBR LN VSP HDA2 V HN VGP1